The Greenwich Department of Human Services Fund accepts charitable contributions to support programs and services offered by the Town of Greenwich Department of Human Services and promotes community awareness of the needs that these programs and services are designed to address.
The Greenwich Department of Human Services (GDHS) serves as a community bridge. In addition to providing direct services, they connect clients to the essential resources of the community. The purpose of the Greenwich Department of Human Services Fund is to solicit, receive and distribute philanthropic donations and other gifts of money, goods and services to benefit the various programs and activities of the GDHS of the Town of Greenwich, Connecticut.
Greenwich Department of Human Services Fund Inc is a public charity with tax-exempt status under Section 501(c)(3) of the United States Internal Revenue Code. Contributions donated to GDHS Fund are fully tax-deductible.
The GDHS Fund Tax Identification Number (EID) is 82-1950012. The IRS letter granting GDHS Fund its 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status is available upon request.